Selasa, 11 Februari 2020

Describing Business Trends on Social Media

Nama Kelompok:

  • Chadijah Safira (21217306)
  • Ridha Rachmawati (25217153)
Kelas : 3EB10

Describing Business Trends on Social Media

As time goes by in an increasingly modern direction, it is increasingly apparent that there are shifts or changes in habits in almost all aspects of life. Especially in the field of Information and Communication Technology where its existence and development have increasingly given changes to people's lifestyle patterns. One of them, the public facilitated by the sale and purchase transactions online or often known as online shopping. 

The trend of changing lifestyle patterns of people who prefer to do online shopping, is due to the assumption that online shopping is more practical to do than having to shop directly to the market, shops, or malls. This is supported by the increasingly sophisticated gadgets they have and the development of various types of online businesses themselves. 

Online shopping trends are now increasingly creeping through various social media, such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and others. In the business world, business people, especially the owners of online stores or online shops take this golden opportunity by making social media one of the marketing media. Marketing is very important in the business world. Businesses must think creatively in conducting this marketing so that what is the goal of the business can be realized. 

Many ways are done by businesses to market products his merchandise on social media. Businesses are competing to make surefire strategies to increase sales of their products. One of the most interesting and currently booming is marketing through endorsement. Generally, this endorsement is a form of trade promotion conducted between a business actor and an artist known to have many fans. In endorsement on social media, this artist is known by designation of endorser which means supporter. Especially in social media Instagram endorser is known as celebrity. 

Endorsement is one of the marketing strategies that is quite effective so that someone wants to invite, refer or promote to others to buy products from business actors at the request of the business actors themselves, by uploading or posting photos of the business actors' products on their social media.